There was a ST. Patricks day casino night to raise money for the Lake Powell Museum. It was $25.00 for food and fun. So a girlfriend from work and I went. Well I had a blast. I didnt know what I was doing never gambled before. This picture was me playing roulette. Well that got boring. So I was wandering around the room and looking for something else to play when a guy that comes into the bank called me over to play 7 card stud. I told him I didnt know how to play he said he would show me. I said yea and take all my chips. Well I played alright and kicked butt all nite. The guys couldn't believe that I was winning every hand but 3. Then they auctioned off a spay for a cat in which I purchased with my chips and I walked away with 2 baskets full of goodies. One of them was a wine basket very nice I didnt know what I was going to do with it until the guy that invited me to play poker got a girlie basket so I asked if he would trade and he did . So I got alot more in prizes then what I payed to have fun. If you don't see me I'm in the very back.