Boy Vernon day was great. Om on the park committee, and we put on this function to raise money for the park. We started out with a 3k race at 6:30 registration and it started at 7 A.M. Then we had 26 tables of vendors of anything form yard sale stuff to brand new things. WE had a hay stack race and hay bale race. Breakfast lunch and dinner (which I raised the pig for the barbeque).
Our biggest fund raiser is cow pie bingo. There are 200 squares numbered and the tickets are numbered. Tickets are $10.00 or 3 for $20.00. The object of the game is we put 3 cows in at noon and and each one of them gets to poop and if they poop in your number you win $200.00. I was an official cow poop judge along with Arnie. We made $990.00 just with that.
We also had a live band, called Mountain Saddle Band. We had an awesome day. We made $4200.00 for the park the best Vernon day we have had. This is one of the winners.
The Crazy A's
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Pre -Trek Hike
I'm so excited I get to gone on the Trek Youth Conference. We got to go to The Hike with the adults a couple of weeks ago. This is the beginning of Lees Back bone. Can you imagine taking a wagon up and over this.This is part of Lees Back Bone as you can see some of it has washed away over the last 100 years. So this is part of the places we get to go. I will post more pictures after the whole Trek. I cant wait
Pre-Trel Hike
This is Lees Ferry That is at the end of Lees Back Bone. WE had a boat take it across the river.
More of lees Ferry It must have been difficult for the pioneers to cross this with their wagons.
This is the ridge of Lees Back bone that we just hiked.
Pre-Trek Hike
This is the first home that was built
out in the middle of no where. They continued to build and the pioneers would stop here for a day or two.
This is at house rock valley. When the pioneers went thru they carved their names in the sand stone.
Here is some more names in house Rock valley. I cant believe that these names are still there from 1876.
This was written on the rock with wheel grease. This was the first company sent out and here is where they stopped and turned around. Brigham Young wasn't very happy about this but he sent out another company.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
My trip to see Jared for His Birthday
Well this post wont have any pictures they weren't aloud. Well I decided to go see Jared for his Birthday. I took Friday off and left to go down Thurs after work. I only went as far as Vernon that was about half way. It is 8 hours to where he is at. I then went friday morning to go See and stay with My friend Mary Lewis. It was so nice to visit her, we also went to the new Gila Temple. I called the prison on Friday to see the hours and what all I could bring. I found out all I could bring is 30.00 worth of quarters. So I left early sat morning and came onto a turn off that said prison. So I get there and go in and they say to hurry up that I had to be in by 930. I told them I called yesterday and no one had said that to me. so I had for got Jared ADC # so they were trying to look it up and couldn't find him. Well I said isn't this the Fort Grant Prison. They said no this is the federal prison I had to go another 45 minutes away. So off I went and I turned off another road and went way deep into these mountains. I finally get there and fill out the paperwork and then the officer asks if the brace I had on did I have a doctors excuse to wear it. I said no. He told me that Jared was a level 1 and I could go in which it was 10 am and stay till noon or come back at noon and stay till 3. Well I was out in the middle of nowhere so I said what would I do for 2 hours and just decided to stay till noon.Then he told me that I can only have one key and one remote on me when I go in. So I take off my shoes empty my pockets and go thru the metal detector. I felt as if I was in the Airport. Well the alarm went off. He asked me if I had an underwire in my bra. I ran my hands under my breasts and said yes. He said you'll have to remove them. I said how the hell am I going to do that. He went into the office and came out with a staple remover. I looked at him and laughed. I said cant I just take it off he said no. He then show me to a room and the bathroom was at the end of it and I was heading that way. He said no you have to do it here in this room well there were windows with no shades and I said what about the windos he said no one can see in. He told me to make a hole where the wired ended and pull it thru so I turned my back to the windows and proceeded to do so. I took them out. Went out of the room and asked if I could put them with the rest of my things and he said no you have to throw them away. How ridiculous is that. Well I finally passed thru the metal detector. I had a good visit with Jared we ate all kinds of junk food out of the vending machines. HJared told me he just got fired from his job. He and his friend were goofing off and his friend thru a tomato at him and they had it on video so they fired him. He now works for the city of Wilcox. So he took a cut in pay but he should be able to get it back in 2 months. He has already finished his course in construction and he will take a course in air conditioning in the fall. He seemed in good spirits. But It sure was an experience.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Whit and Ashley got married


Well Ashley got hitched as Whit put it. Her ceremony was done in the middle of the forest by Bishop Roskelly. It was a gorgeous day. I gave my daughter away. Ashley and I had to get ready in a tent so that she didn't have a wrinkled gown. We traveled 2 hours away which was my fault I was told I took everyone the long way there. Oh well we all got there and everything went well. here are a few pictures I took with my phone. I brought my camera but never had a chance to use it.
Aaron at 4-H
Aaron went to the Cococnino County Fair to show his pig. Doesn't he look handsome in his show clothes? Aaron did very well in his showmanship. He got second place in novice which is your first year. He sold his Pig at the auction for $3.20 a lb. his pig weighed 269. So he made alot of money. Blairs trading post in Page bought him. This was a very good experience for him and he wants to do it again next year. Sarah and Michael came up to watch and so did grandma and grandpa. It was alot of fun camping for 4 days. Aaron also got hypnotized at the fair and that was really funny. We bought the dvd of it so we can still laugh about it. Aaron also got 1st place for his record book for novice.
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