Thursday, May 15, 2008

Spring Fling 2008

Well this year Aaron has decided to play the drums. I knew the Spring Fling was coming up but Aaron never brings home any papers to tell me what is going on. So the afternoon of the Spring Fling he calls me and tells me it is tonite. Well that figures we get no advanced notice. Then he wants his friend Morgan to come home with him so we can take him to and from the concert. So here is 2 videos of Aaron playing the guitar and the Maracas. And to top it off he also has to have his science project done for that nite too. So we had to whip up a science project and not do the one we had planned. He took first place last year well that wont be happening this year. We ended up doing it on natural plastic. We made a natural plastic spoon out of milk and vinegar. Sure wasnt as sturdy as a normal plastic spoon.


sarah said...

I can't get the video to play? i really wanted to see Aarons musical talents!

L&M said...

Aaron ~ ~ ~ Way To Go!! I got the video to play, keep up the jazz!!

Love your background April, it is sooo pretty.

I'm finally learning how to post comments. Guess the next step is to start a blog. Not sure our life is interesting enough at present.

Love Mom & Dad